Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Essay On The Jacket Article

In my opinion, the jacket Sotto continuously mentions is more than an article of clothing to him; feel it signifies a life of poverty. He hates the green jacket his mother bought him and blames his mother for her bad taste in clothes. He describes the jacket as big and ugly and wishes it belonged to his siblings instead of him. He defines his cool leather dream jacket to his mother but he never gets it Sotto becomes aggravated with his mothers cheap ways; because he knows it will be a long time before he can get a new jacket. As much as he despises the jacket, he thanks his mother and wears it to please err.The first day Sotto wears the jacket to play in his backyard; his dog tears the jacket in the sleeve, he becomes upset with his dog when he tries to do it again. He wears the jacket to school and immediately gets teased by his schoolmates and teachers. Sotto continues to wear the green jacket for 3 years to school and is convinced the jacket is bad luck. For those 3 years he blame d his green jacket for his years of disappointments like his low grades on exams, being bullied by boys, and never having a girlfriend. He blamed his mother for purchasing ugly clothes because they were low-priced.He ends up losing his friends and starts to hanging out with the ugly guys. He is embarrassed and ashamed of his appearance; he allows a piece of clothing to define him. Sotto thinks of getting rid of the jacket many times, but doesn't since he knows he will have no jacket for the cold weather or any money to buy a new one. He outgrows the jacket and has no choice but to wear the worn and torn green jacket because his mother will not buy a new one. I believe Sotto just wanted to fit in and impress his peers at the same time he did not want to seem ungrateful to his mother.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’ by Karl Marx

Karl Marx developed theoretical concepts of society and its development explaining the workings of market economies and class relations. One of his main works, ‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’, vividly describes the main concepts and strategic vision of Communism, socialism and class struggle. Karl Marx was concerned with how income was shared among the three great social classes: workers and capitalists. A major concern of nineteenth-century social thinking was to identify the nature of industrialization and to trace its social and political effects. Social and economic environment led to development of ‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’. The era of Marx and the following decades were the era of Liberalism. During the years 1830 to 1930 the world was fast becoming an industrial society, yet its laws were based on an ideal of an agrarian society. During the second half of nineteenth century the world changed economically and socially. The book ‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’ consists of four sections: Bourgeois and Proletarians, Proletarians and Communists, Socialist and Communist Literature, the Opposition parties. Each section identifies and analyzes the main concepts of new industrial and social relations and gives historical examples of these events. In this book, Marx creates the economic, social and political theory and practice, develops capitalism theory explaining the role of a class in society. What is emphasized is the market as a system of exchanges rather than as an arena of compe ­tition; the persistent association of political particies and the pacification of economic relations relies on this emphasis. In the section ‘Bourgeois and Proletarians’, Marx introduces new materialist method in contrast to idealistic one. He examines the role of labor and labor relations, explains the struggle over the division of output and wage system. According to Marx capitalism is class struggle. Increasing polarization of the population divides it into two great classes, the bourgeoisie (capitalist) and the proletariat (workers). Marx states that â€Å"The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilization† (Marx n.d.). In this situation, classes not only are the links be ­tween levels rather tight; they are unidirec ­tional, the causal flow going from economic structure through consciousness to action. Marx portrays that over time the two great classes directly facing each other defined by how they stand to the relations of production, gradually conso ­lidate under capitalism, absorbing other classes within them, developing class consciousness and industrial and political organizations, and in due course fight out a revolutionary conflict (Marx, n.d.). Marx explains the role of â€Å"the means of production† and â€Å"exchange† of goods in market economy. Marx states: â€Å"The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property† (Marx n.d.). The class struggle is explained as opposition between working class and the class of capitalists. Also, it is struggle of lower socioeconomic classes with higher socioeconomic classes. Given the irreconcilable conflict of interests between capital and labor, the outstanding feature of capitalist society is struggle based on historical development and new production modes. Also, Marx describes the relations and interconnection between capital and labor wages, the nature of competition and a revolutionary class. The second section of the book describes relationships between communists and the working class. Marx gives an overview of a communist society free from oppression, antagonism and exploitation. According to Marx, an ideal society should be classless. Marx states: â€Å"communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of the society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriations† (Marx n.d.). He criticizes land ownership and supports the state ownership. The main points of his program for the classless society are: abolition of property in land; progressive or graduated income tax; confiscation of emigrants’ property, importance of the centralized state bank, centralization of communication and transport, all should be equally obliged to work, leveling the differences between the town and country, free education for children (Marx, n.d.). Marx underlines that the differences between classes should be diminished in order to reach classless community. Moreover, and in consequence, there is no overall story of a development through time from class structure through class conscious ­ness to class action, nor any underlying theory of ‘class interests' that could explain such a development: the historical possibilities are far more open and indeterminate. â€Å"When, in the course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association of the whole nation† (Marx n.d.). The focus at each class is also much broader: at the structural level, it encompasses not only productive relations but also the sphere of circulation and market positions; and at the levels of consciousness and action, and the spheres of consumption and distri ­bution as well as work and politics. Marx states that ‘political power’ should be used as ‘the organized power’ which protects â€Å"one class for oppressing another† (Marx n.d.). Also, Marx defines classes by their modes of collective action and shows how rights to productive resources, credentials, party membership, lineage, etc., can all be distinct bases for social closure in the struggle. Marx identifies the way of the transition from socialism to communism and advantages of the classless society. In the third section, â€Å"Socialist and Communist Literature†, Marx describes the differences between socialist and communist literature. He criticizes socialist trends and approaches such as Feudal Socialism, Petty-Bourgeois Socialism, Critical-Utopian Socialism, etc. This section is based on historical examples and analysis of social development and driven forces of class development. For instance, he explains the emergence of ‘petty bourgeoisie’ as a new class â€Å"fluctuating between proletariat and bourgeoisie† (Marx, n.d.). But their generally determinist attitude led them into a certain political passivity. Most of them anticipated socialist consciousness originating outside the working class. Marx underlines that German socialism is based on the struggle â€Å"against feudal aristocracy† (Marx, n.d.). A major concern of this thinking is to identify the nature of these relations and to trace their social and political effects. Speaking about Conservative or Bourgeois Socialism Marx states: â€Å"The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best† (Marz, n.d.). They distinguish society by its characteristic modes of production and economic life. However, what is thought to distinguish the society is not solely a new mode of production, but a new social imperative – the changing distribution of economic and social resources. Marx criticizes Critical-Utopian Socialism stating that such philosophers and economists as Fourier, Saint-Simon and Owen make a mistake taking into account only the ‘early undeveloped period’. This historical and social vision limits their understanding of the historical process and forces them †to consider themselves far superior to all class antagonisms† (Marx, n.d.). These theories can be thought of as ranged along a continuum whose poles can be neatly seen as occupied by the classical posi ­tions respectively. Not only are the links be ­tween levels rather tight; they are unidirec ­tional, the causal flow going from economic structure through consciousness to action. The fourth section gives overview of communist struggle and its impact on workers consciousness. Marx gives examples of four countries: France, Switzerland, Poland and Germany as the main countries where communism flourishes. The visible change in the attitudes to parties constitutes progress towards democracy and classless society. â€Å"In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things† (Marx, n.d.). Accordingly, Communism presupposes the continued political significance of integrated patterns of thought whose outlines follow the historical doctrines of different parties. To understand Communism and its relations with working class it is necessary to take account of the institutions and parties involved, their ideologies and motives; it is necessary to consider not only the legal dimensions but also the behavioral dimensions of classes. Marx restates: â€Å"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution† (Marx, n.d.). In sum, the book documents in detail how the economic position of classes have been developed. Given the irreconcilable conflict of interests between capital and labor, Marx vividly portrays that the outstanding feature of capitalist society is class conflict. One of the sharpest contradic ­tions of capitalism was precisely that between the social character of production and the individualist basis of ownership. Marx underlines that social conflict was a feature of the transition between older and newer social orders, world perception and values, and materialistic understanding of the world. Communism was professed by the major tendencies which emerged during the nineteenth century, and the most common classification schemes for ideologies build upon this historical material. References 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Manifesto of the Communist Party (n.d.). Retrieved from [accessed 1 Dec 2006]   

Corruption Essay

Introduction: If two or more persons meet together and start talking about the present society of India, they soon come to the conclusion that every system, every institution of India is infested with corruption. Corruption has become so common in public life that people are now averse to thinking of public life without this phenomenon. Meaning: But what does Corruption actually mean? Corruption means perversion of morality, integrity, character of duty out of mercenary motives (e.g. bribery) without regard to honour, right or justice. In public life, a corrupt person is one who bestows undue favor on someone with whom; he has monetary or other interests (e.g. nepotism). Simultaneously, those who genuinely deserve those things as their right remain deprived. Not a new phenomenon: Corruption in public life is not a modern phenomenon. It was prevalent in the political and civic life of even Maura period as has been discussed by Chanakya in the Arthassastra. (Give other examples)†¦ But it is only recently that Corruption has become remnant in our public life. People no longer protest against corrupt practices, fight injustice or express any shock when big scandals are exposed. Also corruption is not uniquely Indian phenomenon; it is witnessed all over the world (USA, Japan, Italy, etc.) Forms of corruption in India: Explain bribery, nepotism, theft and wastage of public property, dereliction of duty†¦ etc. Extent of corruption: Start with a hospital where a child is born and move further on to education – system, career opportunities, political system, judiciary, law and order, other day – to – day activities†¦ till post – modern report and crematorium. Results of corruption: Individual sufferings, people lose faith in the existing system, prevalence of chaos and ‘anarchy, society disintegrates, country becomes weak, foreign invasion may occur†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Causes of corruption: It is a vicious circle. Start with those politicians, who run the state, come down to higher officials†¦ then to the lowest rung of bureaucratic hierarchy. Lastly, come to the general people’. Who elect the† corrupt people as their representatives’ and expect special favors from them.

Monday, July 29, 2019


DEBATE ON SHOULD THE ROLE OF CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST AND ADVANCE PRACTICE NURSE BE MERGED BOTH PROS AND CONS - Essay Example Merging the roles of CNS and APN would disregard the credibility of a specialized nurse. If the merging of the CNS and APN role pushed through, the future nurses would think that having the CNS degree is good enough since CNS and APN’s role is just the same. This idea may have a negative effect on the part of the future nurses instead of being motivated to pursue a better education and a career. In this sense, the quality and competency of APN would diminish in the long run. Clinical Nurse Specialists plays a critical role in providing a direct care to the patient and his/her family members. At the same time, CNS is responsible in shaping and creating a healing environment for the patient and his/her family, and builds a good relationship with the caregivers and other health professionals. CNS is considered as competent in providing a direct patient care. They are trained to use nursing framework in caring for the patients and families. Although some of them are considered as a specialist in a particular area of patient care. According to AACN, nursing specialties must remain evolving. It is said that we must follow the NCSBN Criteria for APRN Certification Programs which includes the requirements that Advanced Nursing Practice Specialty must be added to the education program.4 If all the future CNS will have the APRN certification, the demand for the specialization will come to a point that it will be less than the supply of specialized nurses5. Also, if all the CNS will be required to take the APRN certification, it is possible for the country to have a shortage of nurses who will be dedicated in performing the tasks of CNS6. Similarly, the role of CNS in providing an excellent advanced practice nursing services which are in demand for improving the quality of life of each individual as well as providing these people, the community and the general public the access to the health care services may also be divided since most of these people would

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Fields case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Fields - Case Study Example La Petite Boulangerie (LPB) has 119 store outlets that specialize in selling croissants, breads, and other baked products (Ostrofsky and Cash 9). In 1987, Mrs. Field Cookies acquired the LPB as part of its diversification strategy. Assuming that LPB is a traditional organization in terms of giving more independence to individual stores and managers, this report will carefully examine factors that made the company experience net losses in 1988. As part of going through the main discussion, direct impact of Mrs. Field Cookies’ existing organizational vision, structure, culture, management style, overall business systems will be criticize based on the available academic theories. Right after acquiring LPB, Field’s initial action was to immediately reduce the subsidiary’s administrative staff from 53 down to 3 personnel (i.e. senior manager, operations, and R&D) (Ostrofsky and Cash 9). The main purpose of laying-off LPB’s existing employees was to absorb a list of overhead functions into Mrs. Field Cookies’ existing organization (i.e. accounting, finance, personnel, human resources, training and development). Instead of taking advantage of LPB’s existing employees, Fields were interested only in combining LPB’s existing products with Mrs. Field products aside from using LPB’s existing real estate (Ostrofsky and Cash 10). Considering the size of LPB, Mr. Field thought that owning LPB will help them create investment barrier to market competition. Since Mrs. Field Cookies were able to establish a strong brand in the market, Mr. Field thought that whatever product they add up to the company would easily sell (Ostrofsky and Cash 7, 10). Without taking into consideration of the current economic condition, Mr. Field thought that having a demographically driven growth is the key to their business success. Due to unsuccessful financing experiences in the past, Mr. and Mrs. Fields decided

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sweatshops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Sweatshops - Essay Example Out-of-date facilities and poor labor education often lead to workers being injured. In turn, employers rarely provide health insurance, and the burden of recovery expenses lies entirely on the employee. Lethal cases are also frequent. Thus, over 400 were buried alive after an apparel factory collapsed in Dhaka in May 2013 (Kazmin). Secondly, since the poorer countries are dependent on the foreign cash inflows, huge multinational corporations can satisfy their selfish motifs deriving the most benefit out of the host country. As far as the third-world countries share similarly appalling economic conditions, it gives companies the scope to choose the location of their plant. To win a tough competition, governments and local authorities have to draw the attention of the organizations offering greater financial benefits. Unfortunately, fundamental laborer’s rights, such as a minimum salary and adequate workload are often neglected, and employees get unfairly exploited. Some of the most ludicrous concessions may even include unlimited tax holidays. Additionally, the firms do not bring technology that the local population could take advantage of. The deficit of education mixed with the lack of skill conduces to a situation where no economic growth is possible. Furthermore, employing nearly 165 million children worldwide, sweatshops have a detrimental impact on education. For instance, four in every five Bangladeshi kids aged 10 and below attend school. However, of those employed only 20% are capable of combining work with classes (Salmon). The lack of education limits a person’s further employment opportunities and enables only to be a worker qualified enough for a sweatshop, where mainly low-skilled work is performed. Superficially, it may seem that sweatshops help to resolve the issue of unemployment in the absence of better alternatives, but digging deeper, one realizes that they only launch the vicious

Friday, July 26, 2019

The foreign policy and the domestic life of the United States from Essay

The foreign policy and the domestic life of the United States from 1945 to 1965 - Essay Example Before World War II the US went through the great depression and during the cold war most of the resources were used on defenses. The main initiator of the rivalry between the US and USSR was the Bolshevik Revolution lead by Lenin in 1917. This was the key event that made the United States and the USSR against one other for a massive seventy years. Basically it can be said that it was this revolution that fueled the Race for Power and becoming the super power of the world. This became a serious concern for the Americans as Mitchell Palmer, an attorney general, suffered a bomb explosion at his home and numerous other such incidents were intercepted. This brought terror within the nation. There were Russian workers present in the US and after such incidents riots rose against them. Palmer was late in deciding that this was revolutionary act and ordered for a massive operation of arrest and deportation of the workers. During these acts many were arrested and though later it was considered a human rights violation act and people went after Palmer. However this action by Palmer reduced the terror within the city. Coming forth it was recognized that since the revolution the American attitude became an anti-Soviet one. Further heat to this problem was that the US has always supported the capitalist regime whereas the Russians were against it as they were from the communist side. Thus a strong hostility arose between the two nations and the World War II was th e highlight of this hostility. And this hostility continued till the very end of the century. The Cold War People from the cold war era do have the memories of the key features involved within. It has been for almost five decade, i.e. starting from the late 1940s until the termination of the USSR. The Cold War pictured the main outlines of the international background. It was, at its foundation, an ideologically stimulating conflict between the United States and its allies and the Soviet Union. As a fact Americans were okay with the point that this was nothing more than a preservation of the way of living. The viewpoint of a nuclear power gave both sides a venture in maintaining a constant poise of terror, a sense of balance both sanctified and symbolized in a series of arms control conformity. The better part is both parties avoided a direct military confrontation. The cold war is referred to as a war between the giants. It had an overall effect on the world with a steady threat to peace and rising terror. But the steadiness was struck at an outrageously high and costly level. In this race both nations equipped themselves far more than their need for self defenses as their main aim was to deteriorate the other foe. For that reason they made up above a thousand Nukes. How much it could be, to our amazement those weapons, with further usual weaponry, cost these superpowers a great deal which was around trillions of dollars. Through the economic point of view much of this money was wasted and could have easily been diverted to other social needs, however we can not be sure of this fact that could it be used elsewhere as at that time the hype was crushing the other super power. During the cold war regime the defense spending was very high. In 1955 President Eisenhower told that it was very difficult to manage the defense spen

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy - Essay Example 20). Throughout the tenure of John F Kennedy, the nuclear arms race with the USSR and the Cold War remained his prime concerns. As a president and a statesman the spread of communism happened to be the point of focus for John F Kennedy and he considered the onus of wresting a containment of communism as the pivotal priority of the United States of America (Bose, 1998). What were the characteristics and ramifications of the containment strategy eschewed by Kennedy? Kennedy believed that Soviet Union was a potent and implacable enemy that aspired to spread its sway over the world in general and in the Western Hemisphere in particular. Thereby Kennedy laid emphatic stress on the need to maintain a balance of power against the Soviet Union even at the cost of curtailing other salient imperatives (Bose, 1998, p. 23). On the one side Kennedy’s containment doctrine envisaged to curtail the military threat posed by the Soviet Union to the allies and the United States and on the other side it intended to contain the Soviet influence owing to the political and economic ramifications of a possible spread of the communist doctrine (Bose, 1998)). Thereby, considering the military and politico-economic possibilities inherent in the expansion of Soviet influence, the crux of the Kennedy doctrine was to limit the spread of communism in countries across the world. ... The one salient theme of Kennedy’s containment doctrine was the assertion that as United States had the wherewithal and the capacity to influence and control events at the international level, thereby the nation must play a proactive role in actually doing so. Enunciate some of the international events and crisis situations that highlighted the implications of President Kennedy’s containment doctrine? Containment doctrine evinced multiple political and tactical ramifications during Kennedy’s tenure. Kennedy approved the Bay of Pigs invasion which involved the invasion of Cuba by a force of CIA trained Cuban exiles in 1961 (Higgins, 1987, p. 161). This invasion enjoyed an active encouragement and support from the Kennedy administration (Higgins, 1987). Sadly the entire force of the trained Cuban exiles was either killed or captured and Kennedy publicly owned the responsibility for the failure of this invasion (Higgins, 1987). The Bay of Pigs invasions illustrated the commitment of the Kennedy government to curtail the communist influence in the Western Hemisphere. The 1961 Berlin Crisis happened to be the last major politico-military confrontation between the USSSR and the US on the European soil that saw much diplomatic initiative on the part of Kennedy administration, in tandem with the salient containment doctrine. The Berlin crisis was initiated by the USSSR as it asked for an unconditional withdrawal of the Western forces from the West Berlin (Barnes, 2005, p. 194). This crisis culminated with the partition of Berlin and the erection of the Berlin Wall (Barnes, 2005, p. 195). In pursuance of his policy of containment, Kennedy responded to the Berlin Crisis by initiating a significant increase

Debenhams Strategy of Consumer Buying Behavior Essay

Debenhams Strategy of Consumer Buying Behavior - Essay Example Cultures keep on changing, and marketers need to be aware of cultural changes. Core values are the values that are most pervasive in a society. They must be enduring, and with respect to marketing, they must be consumer-related so that marketers can use them to understand consumption (Luna and Gupta, 2001, P.50). Culture is manifested by society in different forms and includes heroes, rituals, symbols and cultural values. Values are integral to the expression of culture. This stems from the verity that values are collectively shared by most people in a certain society. One of the noteworthy organizations that have a British heritage and with operations in the United Kingdom is the Debenhams. Debenhams has a global presence in more than twenty-five nations and operates more than 200 stores across the globe. Debenhams is known for its wide-ranging and unique brands that offer an immense deal of gratification to its customers. The corporation has diverse business ranging from clothing w ear, electric products, beauty products, as well as health products. This diversification has made Debenhams a market leader with yearly earnings surpassing the ?2 billion mark. To further its operations, Debenhams has embraced the concept of e-commerce through its online presence across nations. The online presence has attracted many online shoppers, ranking the corporation among the largest online retailers in the UK. The Company has over the years invested in British design through its portfolio of brands. This paper explores the cultural aspect of consumer behavior evaluating ways in which Debenhams can use them in its marketing mix (About Debenhams, 2013, para2). 1.2 Analysis of Debenhams’ strategy of incorporating culture into its marketing mix The aspect of culture is indispensable in any marketing endeavor as it heavily influences consumer buying behavior. Hofstede; a culture researcher held that culture refers to the social glue that keeps people of a certain group t ogether. Every culture has its manner of doing things, and this is what distinguishes in-group and out-group people. Culture provides a lens through which people shape reality. Culture acts as a reference guide when one intends to take a certain course of action such as buying a product (Luna and Gupta, 2001, p 50). Heroes In every culture, there are some behaviors and attributes that are highly regarded as role models. Individuals who observe and portray those behaviors to society are considered as heroes. One of the strategies that Debenhams uses in assimilating culture into its marketing operation is using such cultural heroes to influence consumer behavior. This is done by associating cultural heroes with certain brands or products (Arnould, Price and Zinkhan, 2005, P.76). Debenhams recently launched an ad campaign starring paralympian amputee Stefanie Reid in an effort to show diversity in its advertising. The campaign also features three models over 40, an elderly lady and a s ize 18 swimwear model. The company aims to turn the industry standard of young thin models. The company argues that the campaign is a reflection of its customers and demonstrates a broad range of body and beauty ideals. The company spokesman asserted that the company’s customers are not the same size or shape and thus the new lookbook celebrates diversity. The campaign aims to make people more comfortable with their bodies.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare the influence of the revolutionary leadership on the french Essay

Compare the influence of the revolutionary leadership on the french and Russian revolutions - Essay Example This discourse seeks to compare the influence of revolutionary leadership on French and Russian Revolutions. An analysis of the French Revolution clearly shows that the revolution occurred mainly as a result of poor leadership though the economy also played a part in its establishment. In this respect, historians reveal that in the 1780s just before the beginning of the French Revolution, the leaders of the country made a terrible mistake by allocating a large portion of the budget to finance the lavish estate of King Louis XVI at Versailles (Lucas 1973, p. 86). Surprisingly they did this despite the fact that many French citizens were suffering as the majority were not able to put food on the table. At the same time, the leaders allowed the country to operate without a central bank and paper currency and utilized antiquated tax system that only taxed the poor who had no money with which to buy even food. The continued poor leadership demonstrated by the top leaders of the country angered the French poor comprising mainly of the peasants who started to protest against poor leadership. The angered peasants reportedly invaded the Bastille in search of guns to use against the oppressive leaders. The invasion of Bastille resulted in a revolt against the king all over France. The revolt continued throughout 1789, resulting in the overthrow of King Louis (Lefebvre 2005, p. 34). It was after his toppling that the French established a democratic government. The Declaration of the Rights of Man doctrine was established after that, serving as the ground for the revolutionary French leaders. The French Revolution also resulted in the establishment of a government consisting of three arms, namely the executive, judiciary, and legislature. Under the new system of government, the executive was still headed by the King though the King only served as a figurehead with no real power. Similarly, the chaotic Russian

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Statistics for clinical therapist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Statistics for clinical therapist - Essay Example Such studies do emphasize the implicit need for getting a public opinion on the Health care services. Scholars like Gilhooly, Murray and Berkely (1991) have suggested how negative perceptions were present within the public suggesting that individuals themselves may be less likely to accept such care if offered. Their findings were uncovered during exploratory interviews and suggest that lack of public awareness, and awareness within the medical profession, may reduce the likelihood of patients accessing these services. The survey research was inspired by several research works in Glasgow and adjoining areas. The report of the findings of the first national survey in Scotland on public knowledge and understanding of palliative care in 2003 revealed certain interesting results such as the relation between income and choice of health services, importance of advice and support for patients etc. The surveyed participants are local natives of Glasgow. To get an accurate opinion on the issues that are related to the NHS the surveyed population will consist of respondents spreading over the age range of 20-50 years. The respondents would consist of an equal number or men and women so that the results are not gender biased. A gender biased research data is of little use in the formulation of policies or new interventions in health research. The research study also looked into several other parameters that impinge on the study. These include the economic status and occupation of the respondent. The status and occupation is likely to enable the formation of different opinion amongst the citizens in Glasgow. The survey was conducted with a questionnaire that contained only close ended questions. The respondents were selected on the basis of convenience sampling. The questionnaire is provided in the appendix. The results obtained from the survey are detailed here sequentially: c.1. The respondents were equal number of men and women. Out of a sample size of 400 respondents, there were 199 men and 201 women. c.2. the Age varied between 20-25 years as follows: 10 percent respondents . 20-22 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 23-25 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 26-28 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 29-31 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 32-34 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 35-37 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 38-40 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 41-43 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 44-46 yrs old 10 percent respondents . 47-50 yrs old c.3. About 50 percent of the respondents were students while the remaining 50 percent were the members

Monday, July 22, 2019

The elasticity of copper investigation Essay Example for Free

The elasticity of copper investigation Essay In my preliminary experiment I learned that I needed a wire which could withstand the weight of at least 1kg, but also would effectively extend enough to see the significant change. I decided to use the wires with a diameter of 0. 31mm and 0. 27mm. I also decided to use at least 1kg of weights because some parts of the wire may not be all the same so they could be thicker and hold more weight or thinner not take that much weight at all. I think the temperature will be almost the same always, so there is no need to worry about it. I will need to repeat the experiment twice for each wire for greater accuracy. Specialist Apparatus These are equipment, which make the experiments results more accurate and in turn the youngs modulus. Uncertainties I had uncertainties because, I could not control or keep constant the temperature, so the wire may have extended or contracted. To calculate the strain I had to measure very small extensions of less than 1mm, this was quite difficult, because I did not have specialist equipment to measure length so I had to rely on human decisions, which meant there were always going to be errors. I also had to calculate the stress, therefore I had to use a micrometer to measure the diameter of the wire. Analysis The table shows that more mass or Newtons means that there will be more extensions to the original length. To get youngs modulus I used y = mx+c so I could get an average of it for each ruler. I used the equation: stress over strain to get youngs modulus, which was the gradient in the graph. E. g. 4. 11E+03/5. 82E-04=7. 06E+06 To get the other equations, I used theory from secondary data, which is above in the background information. To get my results I used specialist equipment; such as the micrometer, which is accurate to 0.01 of a millimeter, the uncertainty is 0. 005mm. I also used a metre ruler with mm marking for accuracy, the uncertainty is 0. 5mm. The graphs show that stress is proportional to strain as the points are near the line of best fit, also going through the middle. My graphs show that stress is proportional to strain, also stress is proportional to force and strain is proportional to the extension. As you can see from my prediction I drew a graph of stress against strain and this is correct because as you can see from the real graph it basically follows the same curve. From my stress-force and strain-extension graphs I do not need to draw error gradients because they are so accurate and because their R2 value is very close to 1. Trend line: A graphic representation of trends in data series, such as a line sloping upwards to represent the average. Trend lines are used for the study of problems of predictions, also called regression analysis. R-squared value: An indicator from 0 to 1 that reveals how closely the estimated values for the trend line correspond to your actual data. A trend line is most reliable when its R-squared value is at 1 or near 1. It is also known as the coefficient of determination. Evaluation The uncertainty of the extension is 0. 01cm (0. 01/1. 7)*100 = 1. 7% The uncertainty of the length of wire is 0. 001m (0. 001/1. 760)*100 = 0. 05% The uncertainty of the diameter of the wire is 0. 01mm (0. 01/0. 31)*100 = 3. 1% To ensure I had a safe experiment I wore safety goggles, also setup the experiment in the centre of the table. I made sure that the clamp stand was firmly placed on the floor so that it wouldnt wobble and affect the results taken down. I tried to keep my eye level in line with the marker measurements to rule out parallax error. I took many results down to have accurate results and averaged them. The reason for the line of best fit not going through the origin there may have been due to systematic error. This may because there was friction on the pulley, to remedy this problem grease could be used. Also the ruler was not long enough for the whole wire to be measured so the 2 rulers may be disjointed, so to remedy this problem I would need a longer ruler. Also the taught wire may not be horizontal to the pulley when tied to the clamp so the wire is longer than it can be measured, to solve this problem I used a wooden block, but it wasnt enough. The main two measurements that contributed to youngs modulus were the diameter and the extensions as they were used to calculate the stress and strain. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Taoism Relates To Winnie The Pooh Philosophy Essay

How Taoism Relates To Winnie The Pooh Philosophy Essay This paper discusses how the book the Tao Of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff relates the concept of Taoism to the characters from the Winnie The Pooh by A A Milne and their application to life and therapy. In The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff utilizes characters from Winnie the Pooh to attempt to explain the fundamentals of Taoism. By observing Eeyore, Piglet, Rabbit, Owl, Tigger, and Pooh, it is easy to see that the actions of the character Pooh best describe Taoism. One of the most important principles of Taoism used in the book is the uncarved block. Hoff uses the characters from A A Milnes Winnie the Pooh books to illustrate and explain the basics of Taoist philosophy, showing how Pooh himself is the epitome of the Taoist thinker, enjoying life with simplicity but not stupidity. The author explains that Taoists try to appreciate, learn from, and work with whatever happens in life, whereas, in contrast, Confucianism attempts to impose order, and Buddhists see lifes tribulations as obstacles to be overcome before achieving Nirvana. He describes how Tao is the Way, which can be understood but not defined, and illustrates key elements of Tao such as Pu, the uncarved block, and Wu wei, goi ng with the flow. In case you should think that this book is altogether too simplistic, I should add that Hoff touches on the writings of Lao-Tzu (author of the Tao Te Ching), Chuang-tse, the poet Li Po, and other Taoist philosophers, giving his own interpretations of the passages. Hoff shows how Pooh best explains the Uncarved Block. The principle of the Uncarved Block is that things that are simple contain their own natural power, power that can be spoiled and lost when overcomplicated. Using the characters he shows how our lives can be sabotaged by errors in thinking and how it can be prevented. Hoff uses Rabbit to show when you are racing through life you can miss out on the valuable things that make up life itself. We seem to jeopardize ourselves by thinking too much of the self. Owl is used to show that when trying to find underlying meaning for everything you overcomplicate it. Hoff uses Piglet in the sense that Piglet is always scared and as a result scared to try things, if Piglet wouldnt dwell in worry, he would accomplish more, and find happiness .Sometimes staying less in your head is an advantage. Hoff goes on to show that the character of Eeyore is always depressed and dwells in negativity. If he abstained from this life would be completely different. Now finally we come to Pooh. The author exemplifies how Pooh doesnt stay in worry, nor is he over-analytical, he stays in the spontaneous. As a result of staying in the way he finds everything goes its own course and works out as a result of his non-action. Pooh goes with the flow of nature and doesnt interfere. He leads a life of simplicity and one free of worry. This is a perfect reflection of someone who follows the Tao. I think this is more or less a basic explanation of Tao and how to apply it to our lives by modeling out behavior in a likewise manner. There arent any obscure references here only face value application. The use of the cartoon characters that we all are familiar with is a very u seful strategy. It is a way of explanation that transcends all racial, sexual, gender barriers. For example, we wont try too hard or explain too much, because that would only Confuse things, and because it would leave the impression that it was all only an intellectual idea that could be left on the intellectual level and ignored. (p. 10) He uses each chapter of the book to teach a new principle of the Uncarved Block of Taoism. In each chapter he tells a Winnie the Pooh story and then explains how it relates to Taoism. Hoff writes a chapter teaching how cleverness does not always help, but it sometimes destroys things and is the reason that things do not work out. Hoff teaches that the Taoist believe that if you understand Inner Nature it is far more effective than knowledge or cleverness. He uses a poem called Cottleston Pie. The poem explains how things just are as they are and how people try to violate these principles with their everyday lives. There is also the story of Tigger and Roo. Tigger tries to be what he is not and as a result everything goes wrong and he always ends up getting stuck in a tree. Hoff also explains that working with Nature is best in the sense that you do not screw things up with a story about Eeyore getting stuck in the river. Everybody had been trying to think of clever ways to get Eeyore out of the river when Pooh said that if they just dropped a big stone into it, then it would just wash Eeyore ashore. He did it without even thinking, because thinking would complicate things, and of course it worked. Pooh worked with Nature and things worked out for him. As you can see, Hoff uses many different Winnie the Pooh stories to teach the uncomplicated ways of the Taoist. The only argument that Hoff really presents is whether or not the Taoist way is the best way and whether or not it really works. When you look at it from the point of Pooh and the stories he is a part of, you are able to see how easily the Taoist ideology fits snuggly into Pooh and his world. Obviously if you do not believe that cleverness and knowledge are not important, then you will not agree with anything Hoff is saying, but he makes you believe in showing you how it always works out with Pooh. He argues whether or not cleverness and knowledge really are important. For example, it can be explained in the story when Eeyore gets stuck in the river. Clever ways do not work, but Poohs simple way always seem to work surprisingly well. Hoff also argues how the Taoist believes that over exhausting ourselves needlessly only works against us. He uses Rabbit to explain this. Quite simply, Rabbit is always in a hurry, he is the very face of stress itself. Hoff explains these so called creatures like a shadow. Shadows are always rushing along. They are also always trying to lose their shadows. They try to run from them not realizing that they cannot, that they are one and the same. Hoff argues that by just sitting down and enjoying a nice sunny day, like Pooh would do, you can complicate things. You do not get the full fulfillment of your life. There is the argument that this is just using examples to match the conclusions that we have already come to. I believe however, that one cannot free himself of the weight of our foolish ways until we have exposed that fallacy and this is a vehicle to do that without feeling condescended by an authority figure that many associate with other comparative theories. Case and point Hoffs adaption of Winnie the Pooh to Taoist philosophy is brilliant and yet never strays from its humility. Through this I can now see how the field of psychology, is a chaotic discipline much more suited to the Taoist approach of going with the flow-the Wu wei, then against it. In Hoffs description of A A Milnes characters I was able to see myself trying to be like the Owl, while actually being a combination of the Rabbit and the pessimistic Eeyor e. Hoff has shown me how the ideal is to be a simple character such as Pooh himself, accepting life, work, and other people as they are rather than trying to impose order on them. I now seek to accept and move with events as they occur, preferring not to try to impose change nor viewing changes it as an obstacle to be overcome. It all comes down to acceptance and will. When you yield to the flow you find that it goes along with the grain of your life instead of against it. This approach spills over into every aspect of life, keeping them simple, letting nature direct the flow as it were.

Benefits Of Mangroves Forests Environmental Sciences Essay

Benefits Of Mangroves Forests Environmental Sciences Essay The general distribution of mangrove forests are in both tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world with them only being found at latitudes of 25oN and 25oS of the equator and in as high latitudes as 32 oC which is in 117 countries (Barbier Cox 2003) where the sea surface temperature does not get lower then 16oC because they cannot withstand freezing temperatures. According to literature, it is estimated that 75% of the worlds mangrove forests are found in 15 countries (Giri, et al 2011). The proportions of mangrove forests found throughout the world are as follows (Giri et al 2011): Asia: 42% Africa: 21% North/Central America: 15% Oceana: 12% South America: 11% Mangrove forests inhabit tidal areas which include estuaries which receive a somewhat indirect tidal influence and marine shorelines which receive direct tidal influences. The forest is flushed by seawater which is brought in by high tide that inundates the forest floor for an extended period each day and at low tides the water recedes. Due to evapouration, the soil salinity becomes concentrated and raises to high levels (NOAA 2010). Benefits of mangrove forests According to Ronnback (1999) some of the products that can be had from mangrove forests are as follows: Fuel which includes firewood, charcoal and alcohol Construction material such as timber for scaffolds and heavy construction, Beams, poles, flooring, panelling, etc. Fishing: poles for fish traps, fish attracting shelters, fishing floats, fish poison and tannins for net and line preservation Food and beverages: fish, Crustaceans, Molluscs and Other fauna. Vegetables from propagules, fruit and leaves, Tea substitutes,Alcohol,Vinegar and Fermented drinks Household items: Furniture,Glue,Wax,Household utensils, Incense and Matchsticks Textiles and leather: Fur, skins, Synthetic fibres (e.g. rayon),Dye for cloth and Tannins for leather preservation Other products very useful products that can be harvested from mangrove forests are: Fish, shellfish and mangrove roots for aquarium trade Medicines from bark, leaves, fruits and seeds Fodder for cattle, goats and camels Fertilisers Lime Paper Raw material for handicraft Cigarette wrappers Ecosystems services obtain from the mangrove resource are as follows (Ronnback 1999): Acts as a natural sea defence Provides biophysical support for coastal ecosystems Provides biological regulation of ecosystem processes and functions Production of oxygen It functions as a carbon sink so it will have an impact on local and global climate It sustains the livelihood of global communities Heritage, cultural, spiritual and religious values Educational and scientific information Recreation and tourism Statement of the Problem In the years gone by mangrove forests were being increasingly destroyed by persons that are seeking a livelihood or just see the mangroves as a cheap and readily available fuel source. This leads to each one of these so called users to try to exploit this resource to their maximum benefit and cannot be prevented from doing so (free rider problem) because this resource is what we call common property which further contributes to the destruction and degradation of mangroves since there is no defined ownership or responsibilities towards the resource. In recent years many countries especially developing countries have begun to increase their economic activity in pursuit of development from which the pollution negatively affect the mangroves either directly or indirectly. Causes of mangrove degradation and destruction Negative Externalities Firstly, we know that a negative externality occurs when an individual, a group or firm makes a decision that only makes consideration for direct costs of production and not the costs of pollution caused by the consumption of the good and services produced i.e. they make a decision to produce certain goods and services which negatively affect third parties and the environment in the form of pollution whether it be air, water, etc. This pollution in some cases are unregulated which causes market inefficiency because the cost of pollution cause by the consumption of goods and services will not be reflected in the market price proposed (Helbling 2012). In the case of mangroves, there are a number of activities produce negative externalities that affect this ecosystem and cause extensive degradation and destruction. Some of the main ones are as follows (Kathiresan 2012): Agricultural expansion and encroachment e.g. vast expansion of aquaculture farms that produce shrimp in countries such as Honduras, Thailand, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, et cetera. This is also a result of increase population growth and the demand for food which requires more land to keep up with this demand so in essence its land scarcity that causes the encroachment into the mangrove forests and the land to be converted. Urbanization e.g. in Haiti mangrove mudflats are being cleared to build homes Cutting for timber, fuel and charcoal e.g. in Haiti vast areas of mangrove forests are decertified by poor farmers desperately trying to making a living from charcoal making Prevention of freshwater flow and tidal flow e.g. in Guyana when the Berbice River Bridge was first constructed, it cut off some of the tidal flow of water to a section of the mangrove forest through which it passes which caused part of the forest to start dying off Pollution e.g. in Guyana haphazardly disposed plastic bottles used in the beverage industry end up in the drains and make the way out into the sea and are washed back up on shore and are trapped in the mangrove forests where they accumulate to very large amounts and cause extensive pollution This negative externality problem can also be as a result of unallocated property rights (Schenk 2002). Even Though the mangrove resource common property status would be changed through regulation, the fact remain that the air above the mangroves and the water surrounding them (both surface and ground) are still considered as common property so anyone that are involved in economic activities cannot be told not to pollute the air over the mangrove or not to pollute the surface and ground water resources beneath the mangroves because in actuality no owns them; hence the surrounding resources will collapse as described in the Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin 1968). When the air and water (surface and ground) are polluted they will cause a great amount of degradation and destruction to the mangrove forests which will cause them to reduce in area. This has been so extensive in some areas of the world; those areas which once had mangroves are today completely without because of all the unregulated negative externalities cause by economic activities over the years (Baten 2009). Common Property Common property is basically any resource that is considered shared property or have no specific ownership or property rights and this includes a wide range of natural resources along with the goods and services that can be derived from them (Wade 1987). In many countries the mangrove forests are considered as common property in which a lot of individuals use the mangrove forest as a means of making a livelihood by harvesting its various products such as wild meat, timber, fish, shrimp, et cetera. According to Hardin (1968) in an essay titled The Tragedy of the Commons from which he basically emphasized that every individual using the resource (in this case the mangrove forest) will seek to maximize his/her benefits that are being derived from the forest and as result of this the resource will be doomed to overuse which will cause the ecosystem to become depleted and eventually collapse. This problem is evident in many countries worldwide especially in the third world countries where people consider harvesting the timber from mangrove forest is a cheap and affordable source of energy so this leads to widespread degradation and destruction (Scherr and Yadav 1996). For example in Guyana, mangrove timber was used as a source of fuel in cremation and other religious ceremonies. This was also practiced among the Hindustani community in Suriname. Solutions Negative Externalities The problem of negative externalities can be solved by the parties that are involved and one of the most common ways of doing this is through a political process that is called a tacit agreement. In this system, governments are elected that represent the citizens and to come to compromises in certain interests (Hussain 2011). In the case of the mangroves, what happens is that governments pass laws and regulations to address the negative externalities that affect the mangrove forests e.g. in countries such as Guyana, Fiji, et cetera there has been implementation of mangrove management plans that set standards, targets and processing requirements as it relates to mangroves so that destruction and degradation will be reduced. This is what is known as Command and Control Regulations which also includes environmental taxing reforms (Pigouvian taxes) where each unit of pollution is taxed (Hussain 2011) e.g. environmental tax on plastic bottles used in the beverage industry of Guyana tradable pollution permits or the creation of markets for ecological services similar to those that are used in Europe. Another strategy that can be used is through bargaining in which stakeholders can come together and come to common grounds to bring about and efficient outcome without government intervention which would put stricter sanctions on the use of the mangrove resource and this is known as the Coase Theorem (1960). This was put into practice in Jamaica to reduce the rate of deforestation of the mangrove forests as well as other forest types on lands that are privately owned. Common Property According to Hardin (1968) and others suggested the most likely solution to The Tragedy of the Commons is to impose some form of regulation on the small scale livelihood activities that utilize this natural resource since it would be in the best interest to society for this to be done. This regulation is also needed because if this ecosystem collapses, there will be a great cost that will be bourne by all of society since the many ecosystem services such as coastal protection, erosion protection, et cetera will be lost. In Guyana, the common properties status of mangrove was somewhat eliminated by designation the responsibilities of the mangrove resource to the Guyana Work Services Group (WSG) which have responsibility for sea defences and this include the mangrove resource (Guyana Mangrove Action Project 2011). Regarding the legislation that was needed to make this solution more efficient, a legislative review indicated that mangrove protection to more will be more efficient when loopholes are closed. Fortunately the legislative framework for immediate protection already existed and as it was within the power of the Minister of Agriculture to declare any tree a protected species and this was done (Guyana Mangrove Action Project 2011). On January 29, 2010 the Minister of Agriculture amended to Regulation 17 of the Principal Regulations by the substitution of the following (Guyana Mangrove Action Project 2011): Protected Trees 17. (1) No bullet-wood tree or red, black or white mangrove trees shall be felled without first obtaining the permission in writing of an authorized forest officer not below the rank of an Assistant Commissioner of Forests (GoG 2009) so this effectively listed the mangrove as a special category under the GFCs code of practice. Rangers called mangrove wardens were also trained and hired then stationed in a newly established mangrove management units which has the responsibility to regulate any activities taking place within the mangrove forests. Since the implementation of this plan, there has been a positive response in the acreage of the mangroves forest. There has actually been an increase in the area of mangrove forests on Guyanas coast and this has been possible through revegetation and afforestation programmes (Guyana Mangrove Action Project 2011). There has even been natural mangrove regeneration in areas where there hasnt been any growth in many decades because of the unregulated usage that was previously allowed. Discussion In the solution that was used to curb the negative externalities that affected the mangrove resource what was done is that by implementing the environmental tax on goods and services, the cost of the damage that was done to the resource was internalised into the market prices of the goods and service that were produced by the industries which were negatively affecting the resource directly or indirectly. Hence the cost of the damages done to the mangroves was no longer an external cost and this eliminated this inefficiency that was present beforehand (Pigou 1920). Although Pigouvian taxes are an efficient ways of handling the negative externalities that would affect the mangrove resource because basically the more the tax is raised, the more incentive there will be to reduce the level of negative externalities (Mankiw 1998). However, Carlton and Loury (1980) argued that a pure Pigouvian tax instrument will fail to address this problem over the long run so it must be combined with other instruments such as technology and performance standards. With the solution taken toward the common property problem, the strategy simply just reduced the level of access to the mangrove forest which was done using governmental policies that now restricts the way in which the resource is used i.e. a command and control regulation. This system by itself is inefficient hence so they would have to be combined with an incentive or market based solution in the form of fines for breaching the newly set policies hence individuals and firms will have an incentive to follow the policies in order to avoid having to pay the fines (U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2010). Conclusion In the past because of the open-access or common property nature of the mangrove resource we saw that most of the market benefits where only gained by a few select individuals or firms while the non-consumptive benefits (erosion protection, oxygen production, carbon sequestration, et cetera) which could benefit all of society was only short lived. Now that that resource is regulated we can see that it will stay intact for longer periods of time and we can see society benefiting more from it because the non-consumptive benefits (marginal benefits) would be increased and the marginal cost of the resource to society would be decreased.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Importance of Books in Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury :: essays research papers

One of the themes which happens to be the biggest one is burning books because they conflict with each other and the ideas of society. The firemen don't fight fires, they start them when they find books. Recollections and thoughts, writings and teachings from the greatest minds in history go up in flames because the government doesn't want people to fill their heads with it and develop an individual intelligence. The government is afraid of the books because they stimulate people's minds to think for themselves and away from the main track that the general public was expected to follow. The government covered up the problems of the world that still wore on, like war, and didn't let the people see it or have it affect them. They heard about it and that was all. In general, people's lives became better, but it was of no consequence because they didn't know what it was like to have things not go well and as planned. A candy cane is much sweeter after you think about eating oil. Another reason they burn books is because they don't agree and they aren't real. The government figures that there is no use in people thinking about things that don't exist, especially when each book's ideas conflict. I think that conflicting ideas helps us think for ourselves because we are forced to make decisions. Making a decision is a lot better when you have more food for thought to work with. Also, it would be boring not to have conflicting ideas. So many things that we value and we can be proud of in terms of the accomplishments of the human race went up in flames in the book. Everything from Socrates, Newton, the Bible, Thoreau, Hans Christian Anderson and Shakespeare was wiped out because they didn't go together fluently with

Friday, July 19, 2019

Freud’s Impact on Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Giorgio de Chirico’s T

Freud’s Impact on Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Giorgio de Chirico’s The Vexations of the Thinker      Ã‚   The 1920 publication of Beyond the Pleasure Principle formalized a meaningful shift in Sigmund Freud's theory of sexual drive: his original hypothesis distinguished the ego instincts from the sexual instincts.   Subsequent psychoanalytic researches force him to refine this configuration:    . . . psycho-analysis observed the regularity with which libido is withdrawn from the object and directed on the ego   (the process of introversion); and, by studying the libidinal development of children in its earliest phases, came to the conclusion that the ego is the true and original reservoir of libido, and that it is only from that reservoir that libido is extended on to objects. [1]    Freud recognizes the narcissistic nature of sexual instinct yet clings to a dual (read: non-Jungian) model for instinctual drive.   He ". . . describe[s] the opposition as being, not between ego-instincts and sexual instincts but between life instincts and death instincts"   (Freud 64).   Freud sees the natural goal of the sexual drive as reproduction - life - and the natural goal of the ego as death.   This newest polarity leads to Freud's exploration of the so-called "perversions", sadism and masochism, as they characterize the death instinct.      It may seem odd to equate sadism with narcissism considering that a sadist receives pleasure only from another's pain.   "[But] is it not plausible," Freud asks, "to suppose that this sadism is in fact a death instinct which, under the influence of the narcissistic ego, has been forced away from the ego and consequently only emerged in relation to the object?"   He goes on to explain tha... ...irico builds a wall of narcissism to entrap his solitary figure.   This fact leads me to draw a parallel between the figure in de Chirico's painting and Charlotte Brontà «'s Heathcliff.   Both suffer unnecessarily.   Arguably, both would be better off dead.   But their pain keeps them going even as it slowly kills them.   Life serves death serves . . . life.   Yes, we are slowly moving toward death, but each step is a lively one.       Works Cited    [1] Sigmund Freud.   Beyond the Pleasure Principle.   New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1961 (62).   Hereafter cited parenthetically. [2] During the oral stage of organization of the libido, the act of obtaining erotic mastery over an object coincides with that object's destruction   (Freud 65). [3] Charlotte Brontà «.   Wuthering Heights.   New York: TOR Books, 1989 (177).   Hereafter cited parenthetically.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Steven Crane’s Maggie: A Girl of the Streets :: Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets

Maggie A Girl Of The Streets Maggie and Jimmie are two siblings being raised within the slums of New York City in the Stephen Crane novel; Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. The parents of these two are constantly fighting as broken furniture and fistfights are an everyday occurance in the decrepid family apartment. The mother and father fight while their children hide frightened as "There was a clash against the door and something broke into clattering fragments .... (Jimmie) heard howls and curses, groans and shrieks, confusingly in chorus as if a battle were raging" (11). Crane exxagerates the furniture destruction as every night when the two parents battle, seemingly all the furniture in the apartment is destroyed. Obviously, this poor family couldn't afford to fix and/or buy new furniture everyday. This then is the environment that Maggie and Jimmie struggle with throughout the novel, but both respond to in opposite ways. Maggie dreams of a better life than of her roots while Jimmie excepts his roots and becom es nihilistic. However, the hope of Maggie sadly goes unfulfilled. Maggie is introduced into the storyline quite subtle and quickly becomes the main focus of attention by the other three main characters. From the beginning, Maggie is a harsh contrast to the slum environment she has to endure. She "blossomed in a mud puddle ... a most rare and wonderful production of a tenement district, a pretty girl" (16) that not only had the physical beauty that her family seemed to lack, but also the hope that she could be better than what was around in her environment. Therefore, the slum environment that surrounds her contrasts her character greatly. "None of the dirt of Rum Alley was in her veins" (16) as she became the talk of numerous males in the neighborhood. Pete; an acquaintance of Jimmie, became Maggie's infatuation. They meet when Pete is called to the Johnson apartment by Jimmie after Pete promised to attend a boxing match with him. Although only a bartender, Maggie finds Pete as a man of "personal superiority" (17) that is capable of providing her with any dream she desires. She views the contrast between Pete and her environment when: The broken furniture, grimy walls, and general disorder and dirt of her home all of a sudden appeared before her and began to take a potential aspect. Pete's aristocratic person looked as if it might soil.

Ha Jin Book Reflection

The book begins with the main character (Shao Bin) being introduced. From there, we start to learn about his life as a worker and how he wants to upgrade his living situation for him and his wife. When his request is denied, he decides to do something about it. He uses calligraphy as a form of propaganda. When one of his drawings ends up in a newspaper, things start to go south. The people who are in charge of Bin and the other workers (Director Ma and Liu) find out about it and publicly humiliate him. To counter their attack, Bin accuses one of them of having an affair with a woman who he saw in their office.This fires everyone up and madness ensues. I feel like the issues being discussed in this book are very important, but the contents of this book are not very exciting. The attention-grabbing moments are few and far between, which is unfortunate because they’re what I look for when I’m reading a book. Overall, this novel is quite dull. I find Jin’s style of w riting a bit underwhelming and I wish that he didn’t include the unnecessarily boring parts in the novel such as descriptions of meals that Bin enjoys. The main theme that I noticed during the first section of In the Pond is an opposition to corrupt Chinese ways.Ha Jin uses the character Shao Bin to stand up and fight for what he thinks is right. There were several parts of this section that stuck out to me. Here are a few examples†¦ â€Å"Even though he couldn’t correct the leaders’ wrongdoing, he wanted to teach them an unforgettable lesson and show them that he wouldn’t swallow an offense. But what should he do? He remembered that the materialistic thinker Wang Chong of the Han Dynasty had said something about punishing the evil with the writing brush. † This is where the whole book basically begins. It is the time when Shao Bin gets the inspiration to stick up for himself.â€Å"Who are the masters of this plant? The workers or the two cor rupt leaders? Where is their communist conscience? † (Page 22) When reading In the Pond, this part of Bin’s letter stuck out to me because he really questioned his conditions instead of staying miserable. This is also a part of the theme, which becomes rather evident during this passage. â€Å"The workers heard of Bin’s disrupting the election, and they were impressed. They had taken him for a mere bookworm, but all of a sudden he had emerged as a man of both strategy and action. Naturally some young workers shook hands with him.† (Page 47)I appreciated the fact that Bin’s coworkers stood by him and supported him instead of simply shying away and ignoring their problems. The whole incident made them gain respect for Shao Bin which is really unique because if I were in their shoes, I would probably to avoid conflict by simply ignoring the whole ordeal. PART 2 This section starts out with Bin going to talk to Director Ma. When he gets to his office, L iu is there and denies his request for a promotion, stating that he would rather let Bin’s talents rot. This infuriates Shao and he storms out.Later on, he meets Yen who he instantly befriends over discussions of art. Yen is an amateur, but they still bond and gain mutual respect for each other. Yen then talks to the leaders and asks them to be kinder to Bin. After this, the leaders tell Shao to look for a job elsewhere because they intend on firing him. Yen finds out what happened and is infuriated. Bin then gets a letter from Gold County’s Cultural Center which states that they would like to utilize his talents for a year. He accepts and starts the job transfer after getting into a fight with the directors.Later on, Bin signs up for exams and is scoffed at by Liu and Ma. He takes the series of tests at a middle school. Promptly after they’re over, Bin’s wife shows him a letter from a professor who loved his work. Following a long period of dull events, another scandal emerges after Liu is bitten in the butt by Bin. The attack was provoked, but still Shao got the short end of the stick and was treated badly afterwards. The central theme is still clear during this section. Bin tries to fight the corruption that he witnesses daily.He uses calligraphy as a powerful tool against it This book has really opened my eyes to the communism in China. It inspired me to read further into it and what I have found has shocked me. Though I still don’t really enjoy In the Pond, I have learned quite a bit from it. The passages that stuck out to me in section 2†¦ â€Å"Do not worry about having no friend on the road; under heaven who has not heard of your name? † (Page 68) This part stood out not because of its relevance to the story, but because of the way that the author constructed the dialogue.I found it interesting that instead of simply saying â€Å"who hasn’t heard of your name? † he said â€Å"Under heaven wh o has not heard of your name? † I appreciated the eloquence of this part. â€Å"Bin couldn’t help smiling; his tears fell on the thin paper. ‘They’re going to accept me. He-he-he, they accept me! † he cried out, and held his wife up by the waist, swinging her around. One of her flying heels scraped Shanshan’s shoulder and knocked her down. † (Page 87) This joyous occasion was a highlight of section 2. It was nice for Shao Bin to finally have something positive happen to him.â€Å"The photograph taken, Liu buckled up his pants and followed Jia out of the studio. The girl looked at him with a knowing smirk on her face, her eyes rolling. Liu smiled back, then turned to the photographer. ‘Old Jia, can you make it express? I need five pictures as soon as possible. † (Page 97) The fact that Director Liu actually went and had a picture of his butt taken was a bit too much. Part 3 The last part of the book moves pretty fast. Liu is accused of having a relationship with Nina and Bin begins to respect Song less because of the way he handled a painting.Song’s report came out soon after and Bin was satisfied with the finished product. I feel section 3 of the book is full of a lot of pointless anecdotes, but in the end the novel wasn’t that bad. It had its moments of excitement, but it also had its moments of boring nonsense. I would give In the Pond a solid 6. In the end, I was relieved to have finished the novel for many reasons. For one, the ending was pretty great. Also, the book dragged a lot and I felt bored most of the time. The passages that I felt were important†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Against the current you must punt hard; one stroke skipped, you fall back many a yard. The ancients said every minute was gold; So, cherish your time and have it controlled. † (Page 162) Shao Bin remembers this poem about the methodology of study after he struggles with his art. I feel like this poem is quite inspir ational, which is the reason it stood out to me. It basically tells the reader to live life to the fullest. â€Å"After biting his fingertips for a few moments, he decided to engrave Tu Fu’s line ‘Your brush writes, raising wind and rain.† It seemed no words were more appropriate as a compliment to Jiang’s uncle. † (Page 140) This part is taken from when Bin is trying to decide what to carve onto the jade stone for Jiang’s uncle. This quotation is inspiring. It states that you have the ability to change things that you aren’t happy with. The theme is very evident in this passage. â€Å"On his way to the Commune Administration, he couldn’t resist smiling and whistling. In the sky a flock of geese were drifting south and gradually merging into the cotton clouds. Joyously Bin stretched up his right arm, as if he too had wings.† (Page 178)This was a great way to end the book. By comparing Bin’s freedom to the flight of a bird, Jin successfully tied up the story and left me satisfied with the end. Reilly Davidson August 2, 2013 Summer Reading 2013 In the Pond by Ha Jin Honors Assignment â€Å"In China, for most of the population, these fault lines – the immediate causes of public dissatisfaction – relate not only to vague yearnings for democracy but, more importantly, to profound economic frustrations and disgust over social inequities and corruption. † (Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times).This was taken from an article about the rebellion against Chinese leaders in 1989. It is applicable to the central theme expressed in both the novel and this news article. It’s an opposition to some form of Chinese ruling. In both situations, those who were against it took a stand and fought for what is/was right. The New York Times published a story many years ago entitled â€Å"CHINA ERUPTS†¦ THE REASON WHY†. It’s basically about the people of China who wer e thirsty for change in the spring of 1989. There were many rebels who stuck up for the cause that they placed great importance on.â€Å"†¦but galvanizing all of China with their threat to kill themselves rather than live without democracy† (excerpt from the article). This passage was important because it clearly states how important it was for the rebels to fight for their beliefs. Ha Jin attempts to share his thoughts about Chinese control by writing In the Pond. The main character (Shao Bin) was basically a tool to bring about the questions of â€Å"What would happen if we all stood up for what we believe in? † and â€Å"How can we take a stand for justice? † He addresses these two points within the first ten pages.â€Å"†¦ the true scholar’s brush must encourage good and warn against evil† (Page 8) This passage from the novel was a quote from Wang Chong, who I believe was a Chinese philosopher during the Han Dynasty. It’s an am azing idea to start the book off with such powerful words. Ha Jin included this as an important inspiration for the character Shao Bin. It leads him to speak out against the unjust ways of his supervisors. â€Å"As an artist and scholar I ought to expose those corrupt leaders†¦ A good piece of work should be as lethal as a dagger to evildoers. † These words fuel Bin throughout the entire novel. They are the match that lights the flame.Jin tactfully placed them in the beginning as a form of foreshadowing the theme of the entire novel. The theme that also applies to the aforementioned news article. Both pieces of literature address topics of sticking up for oneself and not letting dreams get crushed because of society’s ways. This theme is incredibly important and can be learned from in future situations. All in all, it is pretty evident that there are many people who feel that the situation with the democracy in China is unsatisfactory. The theme in both the news a rticle and In the Pond is clear and is seemingly something good to learn from.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Globalization of Deforestation

Before you can understand anything meet dis qualityation, you must know what it actually is. numerous quite a little believe that it is just cut of meat down trees, specifically in the rainforests. They atomic number 18 correct, scarce there is a great deal much to it than that. Yes, disforestation is cutting down trees, but what many people dont know are the effects that it has. disforestation affects al nearly every(prenominal) aspect of life. It affects the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, as well as the global rescue and politics. Many people believe that disforestation is a modern idea that was brought on by the industrialization era.The justice is disforestation has been around since the beginning of mankind. Scientists believe that most of Europe had become deforested by 1850 (Kaplan 3024). As you can see, disforestation has been occurring for a big time, and globalization has just sped up the fulfill and increased the rates. But what all does deforestation actually affect? The list is nearly endless, because it is different in every purlieu and population. On a global scale leaf though deforestation affects greenhouse gases, climate, discoloration fertility, water supply quality, watersheds, and biodiversity.disforestation causes all of the CO2 gases stored in trees to be released into the atmosphere which increases greenhouse gases and eventually affects the climate and global warming. Tropical deforestation alone, accounts for ab kayoed 15 percent of the conceptions global warming defilement more than that produced by every car, truck, plane, ship, and educate on Earth (Boucher 1). The area where deforestation occurs destroys the soils fertility inhibiting it from cosmos able to regrow there. Erosion caused by deforestation runs off into streams, rivers, and lakes which affect the water quality and watersheds.Deforestation also affects biodiversity, because it starts or helps kill off plants and animals that are important to the topical anaesthetic environment. With all of these negative effects, you would think that deforestation would be a hot topic. The truth is that most people testament assent that deforestation is wrong, but very some of them will do anything about it. That is wherefore I believe all of the policies, laws and schedules which parry deforestation should be brought to greater perplexity and enforced. One of the leading rograms which has helped reduce deforestation in several countries is REDD, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. Seeing deforestation has a leading cause of emissions is new and this program has had more success than past ones. Basically, countries are compensated if they reduce their carbon emissions from forest clearing (Boucher 1). This gives developing and developed countries bonus to reduce deforestation because they would make more money from not deforesting than they would from deforesting.This program has gained admit from the United Nations and several countries are already adopting it. But, if we want to slow down or even stop this monster called deforestation then we need all of the foundations help. That is why we need to impersonate programs like REDD and the effects of deforestation out to the public. We have all of these ideas, programs, policies, and laws which could help with the answer of deforestation, but nothing is being through to help enforce and inform people about them.All industries should try to make their products as green as possible because every little bit counts. Sure, it might live a little more, but in the long run it is for the greater good. full as Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, A state that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and large-minded fresh strength to our people. Although the forests are much more than that, it is true that deforestation will destroy a country and the land in time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.

Monday, July 15, 2019

History of Nestle Essay

In 1866, Anglo-Swiss Condensed take out familiarity dispelicularise up the rootage europiuman condensed draw manu mill in Cham, Switzerland. In 1985, the kick d exercisestairs of Anglo-Swiss Condensed take out companion who is German pill roller Henri Nestri. He had hand over the feel of his neighbors fry by using Farine lectee. Farine lectee harvesting is make by terrifys draw, wheat flour and sugar. Henri nuzzle embody many an opposite(prenominal) of the mainstay attitudes and determine that fake straggle and pathway of the potentiometer finis that include pragmatism, flexibility, the willingness to learn, an dep sackent judging and adore for other community and culture.In 1905, the Anglo-Swiss Condensed take out fri annihilateship that let by the Statesns Charles and George Page, corporate with cling to. In 1920s, the frugals is in downturn that cause hold close to induce a lot, the operations tell apartly streamlined, entirely the come with was satisfactory to plow with acquirement of Cailler, Peter, Kohler Swiss drinking chocolate society, umber became an intrinsic part of come near business. In that moment, vicissitude convergence be usher in which include Milo. In 1938, Nescafe coffee was launched by clutch. after(prenominal)(prenominal) cardinal year, Nescafe became an flashing mastery and followed by Nestea. near chastise to organise the agreement by represent parvenue crossway after economic downturn.In 1939, during the founding warf ar II, members of the jump on and frequent counsel were transferred to US, aline clutch activities in western Hemisphere, the British imperium and Overseas. The fight do Nescafe coffee became a staple drinkable of American mankind in Europe and Asia.In 1945, the end of the universe of discourse as hale the counterbalance of grumpy mellow-octane con determineation of nestle. some(prenominal) untested convergence are get in to after war end. Maggie reaping were instauration in 1947. In 1948, the pulse chocolate, Nesquik was certain in US.In 1974, cling to became a major(ip) parcel of landholder in Loreal, the military personnel starring(p) makers of cosmetic. In 1977, nestle again shuffle with Alcon wear uponatories Inc, a U.S shaper of pharmaceutic and ophthalmic harvest-festivals. A ostracize against come near was initiated by the U.S ground formation sister decree military action nuclear fusion reaction close to the onward motion on the sister law in development country. The ostracize end in 1984 by write a direction of ground amid near and supranational approach boycott Committee. In 1986, Nespresso radicals report began that enable anyone to form the improve loving cup of espresso coffee, mediocre alike(p) a skilled barisa.In 1988, the Italian blur Buitoni became a part of come on . Buitoni much than mention on quality, creative thinking and tradition . In 1988, bungle draw body process launched a merchandise to against nestle until today. In 2001, cuddle integrate with Ralston Purina caller-up to form a new deary company, hold close Purina PetCare Company. In 2002 ii more than than science was make the union of U.S near icing the puck lam with Dreyers and acquirement of Chef America Inc, a leading(p) quick-frozen pabulum product business.In 2003, the Movenpick ice rink unguent that own by nestle had enkindle snuggle to became trade attracter in passing subvention category. In may 2010, nuzzle launched Nestl deep brown architectural plan with high quality, disease-resistant plantlets to husbandmans which pay off to assistance farmer revitalize their farms and increase productivity. In kinsfolk 2010, Nestl health light and the Nestl get of health Sciences was create. In serve 2011, nuzzle became the archetypical child blueprint maker to be include in the FTSE4Good Index. hold tight in MalaysiaIn April 2011, cling to alliance with Chinese regimen company, Yinlu, a even upr of ready-to-drink undistinguished milk and canned strain porridge. In November 2011, come on root mate with the sensible Labor Association. This league will booster nose enquire if children are operative in drinking chocolate farms that submit to draw near factories. hold close began in Malaysia in 1912 as the Anglo-Swiss Condensed take out Company in Penang and later, growing and elaboration do a melt to Kuala Lumpur inevitable in 1939. Since 1962, first factory in Petaling Jaya , nestle Malaysia at present manufacture its products in 7 factories and operates from its proposition great power in Mutiara Damansara. come on was publically listed on Bursa Malaysia Berhad on 13 December, 1989. The share wrong of come near is RM 59.420.Now, the draw near employs more than 5000 mass and manufactures as well as markets more than ccc proper products in Malaysia. Its rat concern such has milo, NESCAF, MAGGI, NESPRAY and outfit guy get occasion trust business firm call and enjoyed for generations.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Hypocrisy in to Kill a Mockingbird

untruth is a grand groundwork of Maycombs order and fellowship spirit. For slip, racial discrimination plays a spacious role. In the gobblercat Robinson trial, he is impeach of raping chase Ewells female child, Mayella. nevertheless the squ ar point is that bob Ewell is ignominious to his daughter and criminate tom Robinson because hes nigrify. Since the neighborly fri leftovership is by and large tilted on the plateful of discrimination, at that place argon excuses make for exsanguinouss. This leads into some other pastime employment.In the minds of the cracking Christians dims atomic number 18 do to be slaves and do every affaire a whiteness patch says. genus Atticus is solitary(prenominal) once morest this and tells tail off. In retaliation, cork Ewell makes it real tomcat Robinson is vile. In the end turkey cock is purposed guilty however though the secern clear shows hes not. The Maycomb residential district thinks theyre doing whats decline for the t induce and titles themselves The proper Christians. A fewer lot, corresponding Atticus, have sex they be untimely and knows they only persecuted turkey cock Robinson by the coloration of his skin.another(prenominal) example of lying referring to racialism would be with Mrs. render. Mrs. Gates is tot exclusivelyy against Hitler thought process what he did was abruptly worthless near what he did to the Jews. unless wherefore again in her own society slew be persecuting blacks the said(prenominal) way. Another example identical to this is Mrs. Merriweather negotiation somewhat livery the hapless Mruans from Africa just thinks black quite a little in her society are a disg bunk. lookout station and Jem throughout the criminal record afterwards achieve the duplicity in the prominent world.Some examples would be, auntie Alexandrias ensure on the Cunninghams, Lula not wanting her kids to go into a black church service etc Jem det ect the double-dealing in the Lula mooring was Lula plain about all white people organism disfavor against them and in her detest for whites and their preconception she is to a fault beingness racial and prejudice. sentinel and Jem wherefore notice individual being nauseated at a trusted race for doing the accurate uniform thing they were doing.